
Fredy Black Fredina Agi


  • Date of Birth: 14.12.2012
  • Father: Ch. Xcalibur von der Ischlerbahn
  • Mother: Cassie Blue Fredina Agi
  • Teethe: full set of teeth, scissors bite
  • Height: 58cm
  • Breeding status: stud dog
  • Health:
    • CEA DNA: +/-
    • CEA, PRA, KAT - free
    • MDR1: +/+
    • DM: +/+
    • PRA-rcd2: +/+
    • IPD +/+ (non affected) Laboklin
    • DKK (HD): 1/1
    • DLK (ED): 0/0

Photo gallery

- Titles -

C.I.B. - Interchampion
Czech Junior Champion
Czech Champion
Czech Grand Champion
Czech Veteran Champion
Slovak Junior Beauty Champion
Slovak Beauty Champion
Slovak Grand Champion
Austrian Champion
Polish Champion
Croatian Champion
Croatian Grand Champion
Slovenian Show Champion
Club Working Champion


- Complete Results -

Czech Republic: 3x VP1, Best baby, 3x CAJC, 5x CAC, 7x Res. CAC, 3x Res. CACIB, 3x BOV
Slovakia: 2x CAJC, 7x CAC, 6x Res. CAC, 2x CACIB, 2x Res. CACIB, 3x BOS
Austria: Jugendbester, 6x CACA, 12x Res. CACA, CACIB, BOB
Croatia: 9x CAC, Res. CAC, 3x CACIB, 3x Res. CACIB, 2x BOS, BOB
Poland: 6x CWC, 4x Best male, 2x CACIB, Res. CACIB, 2x BOB
Slovenia: 5x CAC, 3x Res. CAC, CACIB, 3x Res. CACIB, BOB
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Res. CAC, Res. CACIB


- Obedience Examinations -



- Sport -

Agility: passed LA1 and LA2 exam

Master of Czech Republic 2016 (CZ Championship for rough collies in agility)

Vice master of the Czech Republic in the Agility of Rough collies for 2017

Dogdancing: Freestyle 1, DwD1, MD1


Pre-assessed on 10/5/2014, at the Chropyně Club Dog Show


Overall, Fredy is very energetic and I would characterize him as an "angel with a devil inside".
He is gentle towards people, a little wary of strangers’ dogs (males), apparently perceiving potential competition somewhat more sensitively :-)
He is very playful and can get people up and on their feet in no time when he has a toy.  During exercising and agility training he is a little headstrong.  If he’s not in the mood it can be hard to persuade him…
He likes to try to get his opinions heard, that is, if his masters allow him to….
He shares Deann’s excitement towards cats and hedgehogs, as well as his love for car journeys :-)))

Fredy Black Fredina Agi: also known as Fredoš, Fredýsek, Fredošek, Fredeček, Freduša, Fredula, and more :-)



- Pedigree -

Ch. Xcalibur von der Ischlerbahn

Cassie Blue Fredina Agi

{ Hannibal-Black of Lovely Creek { Dylan vom Wengerhof
Accarina of Lovely Creek
Yesterday's Blue Ice von der Ischlerbahn { Crash vom Hause Reinhard
Jasmina Jade de Monds
{ Spoke Blue Nellago { Let's Be Good zum Grönegau
Clear Blue Nellago
Polly Black Nellago { Ashley Noko Bohemia
Hobby Gold Nellago